Sunday, February 21, 2016

Lunch time reboot

Some how both kids are sleeping at 1:00 pm so I'm going to get this post up while eating this big bowl of yum: sauteed sausage, bell peppers, red onion, mushrooms and mustard greens.  Follow me on instagram if you want to see more of my eats!

At the beginning of this year, I decided I had missed blogging long enough and I would get back into it!  Not just get back into it, but making my own grown-up, self-hosted WordPress blog with its own legit domain name.  Then I started looking into things and watching tutorials and got intimidated.

Where did I think I was going to find the time to learn WordPress, customize a theme and start writing blogs again?  I need a week to hole myself up with coffee and fast internet.  Also a nanny.  Preferably a nanny who can teach my kids a foreign language and doesn't cost anything.  Oh, that's not gonna happen?  You don't say.

Instead I'm going to start with some baby steps.  I'll continue posting here.  Here is already set-up and pretty.  Maybe someday when my kids are grown I'll have time again.

My hat is off to all those parents who work full time from home with their babies.  You guys are working hard!  You do not get enough credit.

I'm going to take some time today and clean up this existing template.  I'll see you soon with more recipes, garden and family posts.